1383. I made my move

So I moved to Huddinge yesterday, and here I am, writing from my new home.
We had huge problems moving everything, because the house we are renting is on a hill..
We couldn't get the trailer to the house with my dad's car so we had to call for a tow truck to help us up the hill.
It took 4 hours for us to do what would have been just 30 minutes if it had been summer outside.
But I guess sometimes life tests us, and yesterday was one of those times.

Well, what can I say, it's a work in progress.
At least I made some progress today, there is not that much to unpack left.
And Felix came home last night, the one guy I've been missing for more than two weeks.
He came almost straight from the airport to Huddinge to see me.
Now I'm going to bed alone, but happy and tired.

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